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Foodblog #1 - Café Tanque 'Casa do Presunto'
Blog 11-02-2025
Foodblog #1 - Café Tanque 'Casa do Presunto'

My first food blog in Portugal. Although it is immediately a special... When I was at my barber for my monthly visit I got into conversation (for the second time) about our immigration, the apartments, the good food in the area, etc. After a while I got the recommendation for restaurant Café Tanque . 'Casa do Presunto'. A combination of a c... Read this blog

Foodblog #2 - Pizzería Napoli
Blog 01-02-2025
Foodblog #2 - Pizzería Napoli

Today I would like to write about a restaurant we have been going to for a while. Not a new experience but a success time and time again. We have become regular customers and the waitress knows by heart which coffee and drinks we want after dinner. I'm talking aboutPizzería Napoli in Verín , Spain. If you're in the Chaves / Cambedo area, V... Read this blog

Family, friend or acquaintance? Then we have a gift for you!
News 24-01-2025
Family, friend or acquaintance? Then we have a gift for you!

Are you family, friend or acquaintance of ours, then we would of course be extra happy if you come! Send an email and we will send you a discount code of 10% on the overnight costs. Also in high season! See you soon! Read this article

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